

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


  • Love isn't when you can't sleep,it's when you want to keep your eyes open. 
  • Love isn't when you keep holding on, it's when you learn to let go. 
  • Love isn't when you kill yourself with jealousy, it's when you understand. 
  • Love isn't about perfection, it's about accepting the goods and the bad.
  • Love isn't when you fall for someone, it's when you catch that person when he falls. 
  • Love isn't when you see him everywhere, it's when you close your eyes and he's still there. 
  • Love isn't when you tell him of your feelings, it's when you give up everything for his sake. 
  • And love isn't when you think you were blind, its when you know that you are wrong but you didn't mind.

p/s: Can't remember where I got this..but I really love this quotes..


  1. saya pun selalu dengar urang cakap "bah" tapi tidak sesuai. hahhaha. nice entry! saya pun sabahan!


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