Once I love someone
It’s hard to let him go
Once I love someone
I’ll have my faith in him
Once I love someone
I’ll not looking for other guys
Once I love someone
I put my trust in him
Once I love someone
I can’t stand for all the lies behind my back
And that’s the reason when…
Someone I love tell me lies
I can’t trust him as much as I trust him before
For me:
A pure relationship has no lies inside
A pure relationship has to be sincere at all
If the relationship you’ve made is just for fun
I won’t stand for a fake relationship because it’s just a WASTE!
Which is your choice?
A pure relationship or a fake relationship?
*The best choice is don't take any risk if you're not ready. Just wait until the moment is come to us. Trust me..God has prepared someone for us. And for sure..His choice is the best for us! ^^