First of all.. i'm sorry if saya 'mix'kan bahasa untuk post ni. sometimes lost idea when writing in Malay.
Ok.. as the title of this post is 'Sincere From My Heart'.. i guess u all know what i'm going to share.
First, i'm really sorry if i have hurts you and you and you and you~~ semualah yg pernah sakit hati or disakiti oleh insan yang bernama Jaelle ni. ok? why saya minta maaf?
The reasons are:-
- I realized that i have hurt many peoples,my friends, my ex-lovers, my family... and even the animal & plants(nature).. in malay>> saya sedar bahawa saya telah menyakitkan hari ramai orang,kawan2, x-bf, keluarga, haiwan dan juga tumbuh2an(alam sekitar)LOL
- I've thought many times..not twice..but many times..and now i realized that i don't have any right to hurt any people even i get hurt from them. (ni malas mao translate..buat2 fhm je klu x faham)
- I want to be normal coz i think i'm not ME anymore. means~~ 'saya' terlalu berbeza dengan 'saya' yang dahulu..
- Saya rasa sangat berdosa sekarang coz saya suka sangat menyakiti hati orang lain.. kalau esok kiamat, takut juga x sempat bertaubat ni.. that's why i have to ask your forgiveness...even it's hard to forgive me..
- I have too many reasons..but i'm tired to write it all...
All i want to say is SORRY.. if i made you cried last night,last day,last week,last month,last year..or anytime i have hurt you...
I know..i'm not perfect...and everybody said they're not perfect...but that's not the excuse to do mistakes.. we all know that we're not perfect...but we have to improve our attitude. i'm trying now..and wish me luck..and i ask you all to improve our attitude..not to be perfect..just to become better from now...
See...we can't predict when will our life is over..maybe tonight,tomorrow,next week,next month,next year or maybe while we're reading this post.then, why don't we ask forgiveness?to God, to other you and you or to everyone?
Melt your ego. stop being too pessimist.. stop judging people..stop every bad attitude and let's start the new life.. the new BREATH before the time is up. come on peps!
I know i'm not an angel to ask you to do this. but i don't find it's wrong to 'MENGINGATKAN' kamu semua mengenai hal ini. so.. i'm sorry for the wrong grammar,the mixed language,the hurting words. i'm SORRY.
p/s: i love you all....semoga anda memaafkan saya.. terima kasih